Monday, April 20, 2009

.memOries at CFS.

~kenangan mase kat CFS~
aku bkn dak cfs ag
yeayh !

*kelas arab sem II with ustaz azrul*

*tyme kelas english level 6 kot.ta ingt laa*

*umaira.rase mcm cntik je kot time neyh.haha !*

*first rumatez*

*dy cantik oke*

*afta dinner*

*nk g kelas *

*gathering raye 2008*

*berjln2 amek angin wif her*

*during the agd*

*muke over mekap*

*first tyme n last jd commitee leadtrain*

*the cOmmitees*

manyak ag gambO
tp sume cam x best laa
x d yg candid

miss kOrunk oke !

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